2013 Antique Car Show & Steakout
The 26th Annual Antique Car Show & Steakout
sponsored by The Antique Auto Club of the Bahamas
Saturday, March 23rd from 12 noon - 6 pm
at Arawak Cay Heritage Centre
The 26th Annual Antique Car Show and Steak-out held on 23rd March 2013 organized by the Antique Auto Club of The Bahamas was not quite as large as last year but still 51 cars and trucks were counted plus 7 motorcycles were on display, 38 of which were judged in competition for trophies awarded in eight different classes. This year’s show commemorated one of the three founding members of our club; Mr. Charles Johnson, who, sadly, passed away last year.

Ricky Capron arranged the judging again. Ricky, an honorary member of the club, has served as the head judge for the past dozen years or so.
While no official numbers are kept, it is estimated that some 2,500 to 3,000 people (residents and visitors alike) visited the show over the course of the day.
The “Show” has become a regular event that many residents look forward to in March and is now much more than a display of vintage vehicles. The other major part is the steak-out. Over 1,000 steak and chicken dinners were served. The event also featured an “on the spot” raffle, prizes for which were generously donated by members of the business community, two Junkanoo rushes performed by members of the well known “Valley Boys”, an interesting display by our major sponsor Advance Auto Paint & Supplies, Custom Wheels – Bahamas had a booth displaying the very latest in the big wheel craze, and Battery & Tyre Specialists were also present displaying a variety of their products with special attention to Valvoline Oil. This year the Commonwealth Writers of the Bahamas were invited to bring along sweets and desserts and every single one was sold. Our favourite disc jockey, Doc Whitfield, was also on site for the entire afternoon entertaining the crowd with “golden oldies” in keeping with the era of the antique cars . The popular section for “project/work in progress” vehicles was continued this year and we added, in the judging, a new category: “Best of First Appearance” entrants.
Brendan Foulkes, Vice President and Show Chairman publicly complimented and thanked the members of the Organizing Committee for their tireless efforts over the past three months. “This show takes a lot of planning, effort and most importantly, teamwork was paramount to making it such a success”, said Foulkes. He further exclaimed, “I happened to have had a very good team, which helped to make my role that much easier.”
President Richard Blake wishes to thank the business community once again, in this very difficult economic climate, for their tremendous support in donating the trophies and other prizes and their general assistance in helping to offset some of our costs. Thanks to those 15 companies and to the individuals who, year after year, support our steak-out we are able to do some good for many underprivileged children in the country. Additionally, Mr. Blake, thanked Mr. Sunny Russell of the Arawak Cay Management’s Office, Bruno Minnis and the Arawak Cay Vendors Association for their continued cooperation.
Net proceeds of the 2010 show are being divided equally between the Bahamas Association for the Physically Disabled on Dolphin Drive and the Progress Academy, Jerome Avenue both here in Nassau. Show Chairman, Brendan Foulkes offeedr his sincere thanks to Mrs. Burrows and to the other members of her faculty who came along to the show and put in a hard day’s work.
The Antique Auto Club of The Bahamas is a non-profit organization that was formed in 1987 by six men who had a keen interest in the vintage car hobby. All five of the survivors are still members, interest continues to grow and membership now stands at 50.
“ Charles Johnson, May He Rest in Peace!”
Trophies and Plaques were donated by:
Advance Auto Paint & Supplies
Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd.
Battery & Tyre Specialists Ltd.
Automotive & Industrial Distributors Ltd.
First response - Bahamas First
Custom Wheels - Bahamas
Festival All-purpose cleaner
Summit Insurance Co. Ltd.
Security & General Insurance & Co. Ltd.
J S Johnson & Co. Ltd.
RoyalStar Assurance Ltd.
Bay Street Garage Ltd.
Cartwrights Garage Ltd.
Albury's Supply Company Limited
Whim Automotive Ltd.
and, as always, a very special thank you to
the Arawak Cay Vendors Association
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